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Blog: On Health. On Writing. On Life. On Everything.

Osama bin Laden Is Dead – And The World Is Not A Safer Place. Nor Healthier

Before, I was determined to keep out of politics on my blog. Which is not easy when events are global and terribly important. Yes, Osama bin Laden masterminded horrible things – among others, he killed more Muslims than Americans. For that he should have gone to trial and be sentenced. Because killing a man who has killed does not make anything right. The Nazis got their Nuremberg Trial. Saddam Hussein in Iraq got a trial and an execution, and he is mostly gone; in him, we did not create a martyr. But in bin Laden we did – even if we buried his corpse in the ocean to prevent a new Mecca. In a way, I am like many Americans today: relieved. In another way, this is not a good day for America - I know this will not be the end of the story. Revenge will finally get to our homeland again. It is easy to blame religions on the endless wars between East and West. I happen to think that better economic and political systems will give desperado Muslims better goals in life, and will make jihad obsolete. My friends are of all colors, and of many religions. We can learn from different religious teachings. Here are a few I like - and excuse my mixing 'n matching: 1. Christianity: Love your neighbor like yourself. Means: Do good, so that you can respect yourself. Means also: Muslims are our neighbors, too. Even murderers are our neighbors. 2. Buddhism: Before we are born, we choose our parents – to learn something important. Means: Don’t blame your parents if your life is not what you thought it should be. 3. Judaism: Revere your family, books, history. 4. Wicca: What you do good, will come back to you as threefold blessing. Same with what you do bad: threefold disaster. 5. Pantheism: The World is alive and filled with spirit. Humans, animals, plants, stones and minerals, the water, soil, air, fire – they all are sacred energy. With even a single one of these missing, Earth will perish. 6. Taoism: Hold up the Three Jewels: Compassion, Moderation, Humility. 7. Islam: Zakat (Almsgiving): A fixed portion of your income should go to the poor. 8. Baha’i: Fanaticism is forbidden. 9. Christian Scientists: One should take responsibility for one's health. You can probably provide more ideas – we don’t have to engage in religious wars. Let me know what believes are important for you!
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