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Chesapeake Futures

Chesapeake Futures details major threats to the health of the Chesapeake Bay — agriculture, development, overfishing, and environmental factors like climate. It looks ahead to the year 2030, and addresses the inadequacy of past policies to handle the problems the Bay will face.

The Chesapeake Futures report was produced by the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee, a group of volunteer scientists, engineers, and other experts tasked with providing objective advice and recommendations to the federal-state partnership known as the Chesapeake Bay Program.  These experts came from laboratories and institutions of higher learning from around the region, including the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, the Pennsylvania State University, the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, and many more.

Jack Greer worked with the committees and subcommittees engaged in the process under the leadership of Donald F. Boesch, president of the UM Center for Environmental Science.  Together, Boesch and Greer edited the input of the expert teams and wrote context-setting chapters for the report.  They were responsible for the final product, along with Nina Fisher, who assisted with copy-editing, layout, and production.